About us

MENA.SE is a Swedish think tank, based in Stockholm, focusing it's work on the MENA-region and Central Asia.

MENA.SE is a Swedish think tank, originally initiated as MENA.NU, in 2002 by Marianne Laanatza. Our purposes are partly to initiate and develop studies and research projects, partly to act as facilitators and coordinators in various projects related to the MENA-region and Central Asia. The think tank also has a long experience of arranging lectures, seminars and conferences. We strive to further evolve our networks and to strength professional cross-border contacts.

MENA.SE’s ambition is to create a solid foundation of understanding, in both an academic and a practical context, to facilitate decision making for policy practitioners, in the public and private sectors.
MENA.SE’s directs its efforts to achieve a balanced two-sided dialogue between representatives from the region and Sweden for mutually rewarding interchange of visions, ideas and experiences. We cooperate with partners and associates in the Nordic and other European countries as well as Asia and the US.